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Most Common Car Issues

‌Routine maintenance is a perfect option to ensure the longevity of your car, SUV, or truck, however, different vehicles have problems common to them; to heighten your awareness about them, and we have grafted them into a list below.

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What is Actually Covered in Manufacturer Warranties?

‌All vehicles come with a warranty period, although this varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. A car manufacturers warranty is offered for a handful of reasons but the major being to cover any form of repairs that may come up during an agreed number of years. Warranties serve as a good selling point for car because it helps the buyer feel a lessened level of risk and a heightened level of faith in the product’s quality. 

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How to Prepare to Sell your Car

‌Maybe you’re finally ready for that upgrade. Maybe you want to switch from a sedan to an SUV. Maybe you’re not driving nearly as many miles as you thought you would. Or maybe you just need the cash. Whatever the reason, when you prepare to sell your car, you need to have a plan of action in place. Get ready to take these few key steps to recoup the best price for your vehicle. 

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